Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who's Side Are You On Anyway???

Facebook has done it again! Why must they make constant changes to things that are not broken? Have the powers that be have not ever heard of the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Posts have been flying like crazy full of rants and complaints. It's been the topic of many conversations. I am even betting that screaming, yelling, maybe even throwing things have happened as well. What good has any of that done? I mean really, did you feel better after you had done all of that? Was the problem fixed?
This same thing could be said of any number of things going on in the world right now. Something in the news sparks off a volley of rants, raves, and complaints, yet nothing changes. How do we change what we don't like? Do we just continue to scream, cry, and yell a lot? Stomp our feet? Throw ourselves down on the ground? Well, let's hope none of those things.
When you don't like something or you want something or someone to change then take that stand. Don't support that person, business, or event anymore or at least for a time. Don't show up. Don't shop. Don't support. What??? You mean you want me to stop doing (filling in the blank here is your job) for a day, a week, a month, a year??? Are you out of your mind? Nope, taking a stand. If enough people would do that it would make a huge difference. You don't like what facebook is doing, then don't sign in for a week. Don't support them. OMG, what would I do with my time if I'm not on facebook??? Well, you had a life before facebook, what did you do then? You could pick up the phone and call someone. You could write them a letter, longhand. You could read. Watch TV or a movie. You could play with your children. Cook, clean, practice a hobby you have not thought of in a long time. Go out. I could go on and on here.
I was invited by a very good and wise friend, who birthed this idea. So I am giving up facebook for the following week. For the next 7 days I will not be here to chat with, to play games with, or to catch up on all your news. I don't like the changes to Facebook, so I am taking a stand. I'm inviting you to do the same. The only way to bring about change is to take a stand. I'll miss my friends here on facebook and i'll miss my games, but i have things i need to do with my time. If you want something to change, then show them you mean business

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