Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am blessed. I'm not bragging, but merely stating a fact. I'm blessed. I have been blessed to meet people from around not only the country here in the US, but around the world. People whom I would never have known had it not been for the internet and a venue such as facebook. Some of the people whom I consider close friends now have not yet even been in the same room as I, and yet, I know they would support me, pray for me, listen to me, talk to me, the list goes on and on.
I'm not stupid. I know that many people lie. There are those, who will tell a person anything they think the other person wants/needs to hear, pretending to care. I know some of those people. We all do. I know that sometimes a person thinks they are helping a friend by telling a "little white lie". A slight mistruth, as to not hurt the feelings of the "friend", but still let's call it what it really is, a lie. Have I been lied to and mislead? Of course I have, I'm not immune or special that it has not happened to me. Have I been hurt? To this I say a resounding YES! I tend to believe the best in people when I know I should guard my heart more than I do. I am a sensitive soul that is for sure.
I have learned much from my friends and those who pretended to be friends. For this, I am grateful. I believe we are always growing and learning. Any lesson, whether the outcome is good or bad, is a lesson learned and needed. I grow each time. Hopefully, I do not require a repeat lesson, but at times I must admit, I do. Even while I am crying the hot, bitter tears of regret, I am still better from having had the experience, as odd as that may seem to some.
I hope that many will read this note because within it I am sharing a piece of my heart. I hope to be a friend for all seasons. I know that people come into our lives at different points. Some come for a short time. Others come and stay. I want to the friend that you know no matter what, I will be there for you. In good times and in bad times, I'm there whether it be in person or in spirit. I will make mistakes. I will hurt feelings. There may come a time when I have to say no to you, but only for a very good reason. I want to be someone you know you can count on no matter what. Will I fail sometimes? Unfortunately, yes, I will. But not because I don't care or I lied to you, but because it was beyond my control. This is a promise I can make and guarantee that I will never break. I will never ask you to do anything for me that I myself would not do for you. Please know that I love my friends. And thank you. Thank you for being in my life and for allowing me to share in your's.

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