This is just a rant to make me hopefully feel calm enough to sleep. How can that person look himself in the mirror knowing what he did and not feel a thing? How can he act as if life is the same? He changed the course of not only his life, but other people's as well. He is so casual in his words. So carefree. I fight hard to not be vengeful and expose him to the world, but it's not my place. I am not the judge or the jury. I am just one of the wounded by association. It angers me, so much, a hot burning anger within me. How many other women will he hurt? How many more lies will he tell?
This is my prayer. Father God, please hear me and take this all from me. I am too weak to hold onto this, but You, You are strong. Forgive my anger and heal my heart. Send forth your healing to the one whom has been hurt the most. Hold her close and comfort her, especially these next few weeks and months. Use me please to love and support. I speak my forgiveness to him. I place him in Your hands for justice and healing. Please take this care from me I don't want it any longer. Help me to be tolerant and keep my mouth shut. I love and praise You. I trust You as I trust no one else.
I am sorry it weighs so heavy on your heart. Hugs.